Global logistics cooperation agreements guarantee a smooth process chain from the country of origin to the destination. With the aid of the latest tracking systems, the transportation route of the goods is monitored and controlled on water, in the air and over land, as required. The goods are delivered by the most direct route from the producers to the wholesaler trade or to the central warehouses of the food retail trade.
Contact us
The nationwide presence of COBANA's affiliates offers our clients a crucial advantage on the logistics side: deliveries can be dispatched double quick as soon as a customer's needs become apparent - 24 hours a day and at short notice, too.
When it comes to processing, too, the customer's demands are always the center of our attention. Individual demands, such as specific types of packaging for instance, are either translated into action right in the country of origin or in the local production plants.
Full service - irrespective of the brandWe can put together orders comprising any brand desired by the client: dealer brands, custom-developed brands or the "Cobana" banana, for instance. Within the framework of customer- specific brand strategies, we provide brand support from the desired production region through order picking to sales promotion.
We turn the growing number of container shipments that characterize logistics today to the advantage of our clients. They enable us to shorten response times even further and to make deliveries to the intended destinations both market- and consignee-oriented.
... are also catered for: for individually order-picked products help traders every day to recreate and maintain the perfect image in the eyes of the consumer.