Wide selection of grapes from overseas

From white varieties to the increasingly popular red and black cultivars, we can supply you with delicious speciality grapes – whether seeded or seedless. We are constantly looking for new flavour profiles, and import most of our produce directly from the world’s sunniest grape-growing regions. 

We work with our farming partners on a long-term basis. Our partners are carefully selected by us and have many years of experience in grape farming. They also operate their own farms and packing stations. 

Saison Calendar

Brazil: Thompson, Sugraone (Festival), Crimson
Chile: Thompson, Sugraone, Crimson, Sugra Thirteen/Midnight beauty, Sugra Sixteen/Sable, Autumn Royal
India: Thompson, Flame
South Africa: All listed varieties

Red varieties

Flame seedless

Rosé-coloured grape
Early ripening
Large, round berries
Firm and crunchy with a very sweet flavour

Crimson seedless

Deep purplish-red grape
Late ripening
Medium-sized, pyramid-shaped clusters
Crunchy flesh and a full, sweet flavour

Scarlotta / Sugra Nineteen

Red grape
Relatively large berries
Refreshing fruity flavour and crunchy flesh

Red Globe

Most well-known variety of red grapes
Reddish, purplish-blue grape
Late ripening
Very large, spherical-shaped grapes
Intensely fruity flavour


Henry Luehrs 
040/30 30 5-133

julien krueger

040/30 30 5-243


On request, we will be happy to provide information about further varieties that are available.


Light green grape
Early ripening
Medium-sized, round berries
Crunchy with a subtle hint of nutmeg 


Light green grape
Middle-early ripening
Medium-sized, oblong berries
Crunchy flesh, sweet flavour, low acidity

Thompson seedless

Thompson Seedless
Light green grape
Late ripening
Oval-shaped berries
Sweet, juicy flavour with subtle notes of nutmeg

Black varieties

Sugra Thirteen / Midnight beauty

Dark-coloured grapes
Medium-early ripening
Round berries
Crunchy flesh
Sweet flavour, slightly acidic note, with a hint of nutmeg

Sugra Sixteen / Sable

Medium-early ripening
Round berries
Intensely sweet flavour with subtle notes of nutmeg
(Photo is coming soon)

Autumn Royal

Deep blue, almost black grapes
Medium-early ripening
Round berries
Very sweet flavour